Thursday, October 13, 2022

A Fabulous Fall Harvest 🍂

Another garden-to-cafeteria harvest success! 

The 1st graders at Samuel's Elementary School harvested 6 lbs of carrots, squash, zucchini, and tomatoes for upcoming their school lunches! Volunteers also gathered some bright green chard, peppers, and cherry tomatoes for the teachers to take home. 

What Fall recipes come to mind with this harvest? 😋

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Garden to Cafeteria Harvest Day 🥬

Ms. Reese's 3rd Grade Class

Thank you to Ms. Reese's 3rd grade class for their help with the Garden to Cafeteria program! We harvested 20.5 lbs of carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers. 

The Garden to Cafeteria program is a unique opportunity for Samuels Elementary students to learn about gardening and to grow fresh vegetables with the aim of supplying some of their harvests to the school cafeteria to be used for lunch.