Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Seeds of Lasting Peace

Patience is an enormously supportive and even magical practice. It’s a way of completely shifting the fundamental human habit of trying to resolve things by either going to the right or the left, labeling things “good” or labeling them “bad.” It’s the way to develop fearlessness, the way to contact the seeds of war and the seeds of lasting peace—and to decide which ones we want to nurture.
Excerpted from Practicing Peace by Pema Chödrön

Friday, May 14, 2021

It's a Planting Party!

Saturday, May 15 is our first Annual Planting Party!

We're getting started around 9 am. Please show up any time and stay as long as you like. We'll have a swap table for seeds and seedlings, gardening help available, and some exciting Garden Talks throughout the day.

8 AM - 12 PM - The school building will be open for bathroom use. Masks must be worn at all times inside the school building.

9 AM and all day - Gardening help - a green dot on someone's name tag indicates that they are available to answer questions and offer assistance

11 AM - Organic Gardening 101 - Michele

12 PM - Crop Rotation - Catherine

1 PM - Gardening and the Environment - John

Get your garden planted while getting to know your fellow community gardeners. We can't wait to see you!